Turn on flashlight: How to Turn Your Phone’s Flashlight On and Off

Turn on flashlight: How to Turn Your Phone’s Flashlight On and Off

Turn on flashlight on iPhone
Turn on flashlight on iPhone

The flashlight, which uses the camera’s LED flash to assist you to traverse dark situations, has long been a feature of phones. Android has a flashlight feature, but it requires a few swipes to access. Continue reading to find out how to turn your phone’s flashlight on and off faster.

We’re here to assist you. We’ll teach you how to use a variety of methods to turn on and off your flashlight. Although Android users have more options, we’ll offer iPhone flashlight instructions as well.

How to use Quick Settings on an Android to turn on flashlight

This should work on all newer phones because it has been a feature of Android since Android 5.0 Lollipop was released in 2014.

To access the Quick Settings icons, swipe down from the top of the screen.

2. Locate and tap the “Flashlight” icon. The flashlight should automatically turn on.

3. To turn off the flashlight, tap it a second time.

How to turn on flashlight on an Android using Google Assistant 

1. Press and hold the home button on your phone’s bottom center until the Google Assistant pop-up window displays. You might not even need to do that if your phone is set up to listen for “OK Google.” Just say “OK Google.”

“OK Google, turn on the flashlight,” you say. The flashlight should automatically turn on.

3. You can turn off the flashlight in the same way; say “OK Google, turn off the flashlight.”

How to turn on flashlight on some Androids using a gesture 

A limited number of Android phones include a gesture for turning on the flashlight, but there is no standard or systematic means of determining if your phone has one. Here are some ways to get started if you wish to investigate this possibility:

• Go to Settings and look for Gestures. You may enable a gesture in some phones’ settings. Search for Gestures in the Settings app. Turn on the option to enable a flashlight gesture if you discover one.

• You can switch on the flashlight on some Motorola phones by shaking them in a “chopping” motion.

• You can turn on the flashlight on OnePlus phones by making a “V” motion on the screen (for this to work, the screen needs to be turned off).

Turn on flashlight: If necessary, use a flashlight app

If you don’t like either of the previous ways for whatever reason, or if you have an outdated Android phone that doesn’t have either, you can use a flashlight app. On the Google Play Store, there are hundreds of them, but you must choose wisely.

It’s simple to turn on the flashlight. The bulk of flashlight apps, on the other hand, request a slew of needless permissions, such as your location, contacts, and so on. There’s no reason to give these potentially harmful rights to programs that aren’t going to be used.

Brightest Flashlight Free, one of the most popular Android flashlight apps, is notorious for mining its users’ contacts and location data. Many of these apps also feature intrusive full-screen video advertisements.

Some offer other capabilities such as setting the screen brightness all the way up and displaying colors, but these are mostly superfluous and not worth the risk of compromising your privacy.

Given all of this, we advise against using flashlight apps unless you truly need them. Try Icon Torch if you do. This software has no adverts or in-app purchases and allows you to open the flashlight with a simple toggle. It only requires the most basic permissions, therefore it’s a safe bet.

How to Turn on Your iPhone’s Flashlight

As you might think, iOS makes it simple to browse the internet. The Control Center shortcut is the quickest way. To open it, swipe down from the upper-right corner of the screen on an iPhone X or later. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen if you’re using an iPhone 8 or earlier.

To use the flashlight, open Control Center (you may do this even if your phone is locked) and hit the Flashlight icon. To turn off the flashlight, tap the same symbol again.

You can even alter the brightness of the flashlight on iOS 11 and later. Haptic Touch (deeply press) on the Flashlight icon to do so. You’ll notice a slider that you may change to a variety of settings.

You may even ask Siri to turn on the flashlight if you wish. Simply say “Hey Siri” or press and hold the Home (iPhone 8 and prior) or Side (iPhone X and later) buttons to summon Siri. “Turn on the flashlight,” you say.

Don’t waste your time with iPhone flashlight apps. The built-in features are adequate.

Turn on flashlight: We’ve Covered All of Your Phone Flashlight Options

You now know how to turn on and off the flashlight on your Android or iPhone. It’s a simple task, but knowing where these shortcuts are will ensure you don’t spend too much time in the dark.

While using the flashlight for extended periods of time is unlikely to harm your phone, we recommend not leaving it on for longer than necessary.

The bright light will deplete your power, and leaving it on all the time may cause your phone to overheat, resulting in even more battery drain.


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