Twitter search can be used in a variety of ways. Tweets from you, friends, local companies, and everyone from well-known entertainers to worldwide political figures are available. You can follow active conversations about breaking news or personal interests by searching for topic keywords or hashtags.
Twitter search function will allow you to find almost* all tweets that contain a specific link.
You can simply enter a portion of the URL into search (desktop Twitter is best for this).
To read all of the tweets, select ‘live’ from the options and scroll down to go further back in time.
Table of Contents
Twitter Search – How to Use Twitter Advanced Search to Generate 100 Percent More Leads
Twitter has 69.3 million active users in the United States, making it a platform with a lot of potential for lead generation within the country.
Unfortunately, unless you know how to use Twitter’s advanced search queries (Twitter Search), it might be difficult to know how to find leads successfully on Twitter.
Twitter Search – Why You Should Use Twitter’s Advanced Search
Twitter search and the Advanced Search option on Twitter allows you to tailor your searches to exactly the type of user you want, including location, interests, and more.
You may even locate users who are discussing your company without tagging (or @ing) you.
You’ve probably already searched for simple things like hashtags and users using Twitter’s search bar on the right-hand side of your desktop screen or the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of your mobile screen.
Assume you’re looking for a company like Converse.
You’ll find accounts relevant to your search, as well as top tweets and recent tweets using that term.
Twitter Search – Ways and Reasons to Use Twitter’s Advanced Search Options
There are numerous reasons why you might want to use Twitter’s advanced search functions. The method you use to do the search is determined by the information you are looking for.
1. Use the Search Bar to access Twitter’s Advanced Search Functions.
With Twitter Advanced Search, you can find tweets from people or businesses in any place using any keyword you can think of.
It’s just a little more difficult than the standard search option.
Twitter’s sophisticated search capability is now only available on their desktop site or web app, not the Twitter app on your phone or tablet.
The following recommendations can be utilized on the app or website, but the desktop advanced search function is more superior, and we recommend using it if possible.
2. Twitter Search by Sentiment
Sentiment searches, which use a simple kind of natural language processing, can help you understand what terms people use and why they use them (NLP). Positive, negative, and neutral searches are the most common.
Knowing what and why people seek might help you determine what your potential consumers require.
You can buy programs that do extensive NLP analysis on Twitter, but you can do it yourself to some level. To begin, look for happy or sad faces, punctuation, and your chosen keywords.
You can narrow down the results to show top tweets, most recent tweets, people, photographs, or videos.
There are additional options on the app, albeit they alter depending on current events.
A simple search like this is a terrific way to find out what questions people are asking in your sector, about your products, or even about the products of your competitors.
However, because sentiment filters are context-dependent, make careful to go through the context of each tweet.
Someone seeking iPhone queries may be looking for apps, security information, or troubleshooting instructions.
You can narrow down the results to show top tweets, most recent tweets, people, photographs, or videos.
There are additional options on the app, albeit they alter depending on current events.
A simple search like this is a terrific way to find out what questions people are asking in your sector, about your products, or even about the products of your competitors.
However, because sentiment filters are context-dependent, make careful to go through the context of each tweet.
Someone seeking iPhone queries may be looking for apps, security information, or troubleshooting instructions.
However, they could be seeking for a buyer for their used phone, cracking a joke, or asking a completely unrelated question—this search merely searches for the word and the punctuation.
Even with the inclusion of less relevant results, sentiment search narrows things down a bit and could be a terrific method to locate consumers looking for answers or recommendations. If you can answer your queries while demonstrating the authority of your brand, you may find yourself with a new lead.
If you manage a local brand and aren’t competing against foreign players, this strategy may be more successful.
3. Use Location Filters
Using geolocation filters, you can find tweets in any country or city.
You’ll be able to filter out tweets from faraway regions this way.
This is significant if you are a small local business because it allows you to target leads in your area.
Simply enter ‘near:(city/country)’ and ‘within:(X mi)’ to locate tweets from any precise location around the world.
The ‘near:’ option narrows down where you want to see tweets.
The ‘within:’ option allows you to specify the distance from that location from which you wish to observe tweets.
It essentially produces a radius around the city, county, or other region that you specify using the ‘near:’ filter.
For example, if you own a restaurant in a specific location, you could find anyone seeking for a place to dine and direct them to your establishment.
Enter a term relating to your industry (such as ‘Japanese restaurant’) and then add ‘near:(your location) within:(X mi)’.
to identify potential local customers
For this, we propose browsing under “Latest” to identify folks who are hungry right now.
It might be as simple as that to find new customers.
And, as an added benefit of employing sentiment searches, assisting consumers with questions—such as where to find tasty soba!—can increase your online reputation.
Sentiment analysis can provide insight into what people are talking about and asking your competitors about.
If you discover that clients are dissatisfied with one of your competitor’s features, respond with relevant information about your service.
You can join any conversation and contribute your thoughts and responses to establish an engaging relationship with Twitter users.
4. Monitor Twitter Mentions by Looking for Usernames
Doing username searches to track mentions is one of the simplest ways to track fresh leads.
All you have to do is prefix a username with “to:” or “from:.”
Tweets sent to that user are revealed by the “to:” search.
For example, if you search for “to:Lilian,” you’ll be able to see tweets sent to me by other Twitter accounts, whether in reaction to my Tweets or on their own.
Instead, if you type ‘from:’ before my name, you’ll get tweets that I’ve sent out:
You’d presumably utilize this option to find tweets from your competitors rather than your own.
Assume I’m curious to see if anyone has any branding questions for me. All I’d have to do is add that keyword to a ‘to:’ search, as shown below:
Note I reintroduced the question mark to help filter things down to only questions.
Then all I have to do is interact with those users.
5. Keep Track of Your Twitter Advanced Searches
Twitter allows you to save up to 25 searches per account. That’s a lot of searches to keep track of.
To save a search, simply click the three dots on the right-hand side of your search term.
Then, choose “+ Save search.”
This allows you to keep track of who is sharing your blog content, discussing you or your competitors, or tweeting about specific keywords.
6. Exclude irrelevant results from Twitter Advanced Search
Using the exclusion filter, you may exclude unwanted search results.
Simply place the “-” mark before a keyword, filter, or Twitter user.
For example, if you want to see Twitter users discussing smartphones but don’t want to see tweets from a competitor (say, Samsung), simply search for’smartphone’ -samsung.
Getting enhanced findings can actually be that simple.
7. Create and Search for Hashtags
If you use hashtags effectively, you can create your own lead generation filter.
Use only one hashtag at a time, make it branded and creative, and include it in the bulk of your postings.
Redbull’s #PutACanOnIt was one of the most popular branded hashtags.
Because it inspired people to utilize Red Bull cans creatively, take a photo, and publish it with the hashtag, the hashtag became popular around the world.
This not only allows your consumers to conduct your marketing and product placement for you, but it also generates a branded hashtag that you can use to communicate with Twitter users afterwards.
Hashtags like this may entice those who have never purchased your products before to do so so that they may join in on the fun.
However, you are not need to perform sophisticated searches manually.
Allow Twitter to do the work for you to save you time.
8. Use the Web’s Advanced Search Function
The true sophisticated search capability, as previously stated, is only available on Twitter’s website, not the app.
This option can save you time if you have a computer or access the site through your browser on your mobile device.
There are three dots next to your search bar.
Click the three dots, then select “Advanced search.”
It will then take you to this form, where you can do a variety of things.
Because of how advanced this feature has evolved, you must scroll numerous times to see all of the possible options.
What appears on each scroll may differ slightly depending on your computer, but here is what you can generally expect.
The first screen displays the fundamentals: words to use, words to avoid, and hashtags to search.
Following your initial scroll, you can select a language, tweets to and from accounts, tweets mentioning accounts, and the top of the options for filtering replies.
Your next scroll gives you more options for replies, including whether to include links and how much interaction you want a post to have before you view it.
You can select the date ranges for the tweets you want to view in your final scroll.
You can apply as many filters as you wish before pressing the search button.
The only thing this option does not appear to be able to do with advanced search is specify a precise distance.
If I wanted to look for Tweets about Japanese restaurants within 10 miles of Seattle, I should use the usual search bar. However, I can use advanced search to find Japanese restaurants in Seattle by entering “Japanese restaurants Seattle” in the first search filter.
With each search, I propose narrowing down the dates. Tweets from seven years ago won’t help you generate more leads, but current ones might.
You can search for tweets from the last few days, weeks, months, or even a year ago.
There are also commercial apps available, such as Twilert, if you wish to spend a few additional dollars each month for even more advanced Twitter searches.
Twitter Search – How to Do a Basic Twitter Image Search
1. Open a web browser and navigate to, then to the Search Twitter field at the top of the screen.
2. Enter a search word relating to the photographs you’re looking for.
For instance, if you wanted to find photographs of dogs, you could just type “dogs.”
Results show in the column beneath the search field as you write.
3. Click Photos at the top of the page to exclude all tweets with images that match the search keyword.
4. Scroll down to see photographs from the most recent tweets.
To view an image in its entirety, click on it.
Twitter will display tweeted images based on whether the term you searched for appeared in the tweeter’s complete name, the tweeter’s username, or the tweet itself.
Twitter Search Image – How to Do an Advanced Twitter Image Search
If you need to search for more than a single keyword, phrase, or hashtag, a Twitter advanced search can be useful. Here’s how to conduct an image search using Twitter’s advanced search tool.
1. In the top right corner of the website, tap the Search Twitter field.
2. Enter your search term into the search window and hit Return.
3. To open the Advanced search screen, select Advanced search in the Search filters area at the top right of the browser window.
If you don’t see Advanced Search but have been searching throughout this session, press Clear All or quit to return to Twitter.
4. You can narrow down your image search by filling out many search options.
You can look for things like:
- Phrases (All of these words, This exact phrase, Any of these words, None of these words, with or without hashtag)
- Accounting (From these accounts, To these accounts, Mentioning these accounts)
- Timetables (From this date, To this date)
- Several other criteria
To see all of the options, scroll down.
5. For example, if you want to search for photographs of dogs but only want to view results from the account @dog feelings, and you want to start from January 1, 2019, fill out the following fields:
- All of the following words: dogs
- Any of the following words: dogs, dog
- From the following accounts: dog feelings
- As of today: 2019-01-01
Then, on the right, hit the blue Search button.
6. Select Photos from the top horizontal menu to filter out all tweets except those with images.
7. Scroll down to view the image findings.
To view an image in its entirety, click on it.
8. To return to the search results, click the X in the upper left corner.
Twitter Search – How do you search for tweets by date?
It’s not an easy process—search Twitter’s has never been its strong feature, and how to filter tweets by date isn’t evident. However, because the nature of’microblogging’ promotes timing and quantity above depth and endurance, being able to find ‘ancient’ tweets might be useful because what you’re looking for can get buried quickly.
(Never mind the relativity of ‘old’—on social media, things that are hours old are considered ‘old news.’)
Twitter Search – How To Search Twitter By Date
So, how do you look for tweets by date?
It turns out that searching Twitter by date isn’t all that tough; it’s simply a messy, unintuitive mess.
1. Determine the username and date range
To begin, you must know the username of the account for which you are looking.
Then enter a date range/timeframe to search within.
since:username yyyy-mm-dd until:yyyy-mm-dd
So, if we wanted to find a tweet from Tecplusmore on January 10, 2019, we’d type it into the search box and click the ‘hourglass’ button.
2. Up the search box, type the above keyword, filled in with the data from Step 1.
Consider the following query, which essentially filters all tweets by Tecplusmore between January 10, 2019 and January 11, 2019.
Twitter Search – How to search for a video on Twitter
Searching for videos on Twitter can be difficult owing to the plethora of linked Tweets that can emerge.
However, with Twitter’s advanced search, you may include video or tweet properties to narrow your search and discover it faster.
In this regard, we will discuss the advantages of this search engine and the commands you should use to find films or publications more quickly.
Index ( )
1. What are the advantages of using advanced Twitter search?
- Obtain precise results
2. What are my alternatives for finding a video on Twitter?
- Using quotations
- removing a word from the search
- Using various commands
3. How do you conduct a Twitter search for old videos?
- Include the date
Twitter Search – What are the Advantages of Using Sophisticated Twitter search?
The vast number of results that appear when searching for Tweets or persons on Twitter can make it difficult to find what you’re looking for.
When you type a name, numerous users with that name on their personal profiles will display.
Tweets are significantly more challenging because the words relevant to that publication will show, resulting in a large number of results.
Get accurate results
Twitter, on the other hand, includes an advanced search tool that allows you to search for items much more specifically.
For example, if you are unable to post a video to Twitter but have seen a clip similar to the one you wanted to share and it has already been published by another user, you can try searching for it using the advanced search and then using it by publishing it or copying the URL.
If you use a standard search engine, the number of results can be overwhelming, and you may not discover what you are looking for.
However, the advanced search yields more precise results since it allows you to enter filters such as quotes, dates, or people referenced or responded to in the publication.
Twitter Search – What options are there to find a video on Twitter?
To begin, go to the Twitter website or its mobile application if you are trying to open an account from a cell phone.
Once there, navigate to the top of the screen and click the search box.
The advanced search option can be found at the bottom of the search filters, where you must click.
This option is also available on the left side of the screen by selecting More Options.
In this section, you must begin writing the data for the video you are looking for by filling in the specific boxes or categories provided by Twitter. Finally, you must press the search or enter key.
Using quotes
Search filters or refinements are features that are added to or deleted from the title of the video you want to watch.
In this regard, one method for finding the video faster is to use quotation marks between words. This option is far more efficient than simply entering the title of the video because several results will display.
For example, try putting quotation marks around the two key words of the video’s title separately.
Similarly, quote marks can be added in the whole sentence, that is, at the beginning and conclusion of the statement.
You can sometimes put the hashtag or the language of the video in quotations.
After you’ve found it, copy the URL and put it into your profile or the profile of a follower.
Deleting a word in the search
Clipping words is another quick approach to find specific movies, individuals, or tweets.
You should strive to be as specific as possible in this type of search, so you just need to enter the exact terms that describe and lead to the video.
That is, you should not write many words in order for many results to display.
If you can’t discover any people or tweets, this user may have set their account to private mode.
Using different commands
To be more explicit, advanced Twitter searches allow you to add commands to the search bar.
In this case, while looking for the video, use quotation marks around the command tweeted by + the individual who posted the video. Similarly, if the video was posted in reply to another Tweet in a comment, use the command (in response to + @ the user who posted the video.)
If the Tweet with the video mentions other persons, you might try searching for it with the following command.
You must type (the Tweet includes + @ the tagged user) into the search bar.
This way, the search engine knows exactly where to look.
Twitter Search – How do you search for old videos on Twitter?
There are particular commands for finding ancient movies or tweets from non-current dates.
The date on which the Tweet with the video was released must be utilized for this sort of search.
One of these commands is to write tweets starting with + a date.
To look for publications published since that date.
As a result, publications produced prior to the date specified in the command will not be registered when the search is performed.
As a result, the possibilities are minimized, and the outcome can appear faster.
Add the date
Similarly, tweets to + date is another command with a date that can be written. This allows Twitter to search for videos up to a certain point in time. As a result, publications issued after the aforementioned dates will be ignored by the search engine.
If you want to be even more specific, you may specify a period range for Twitter to search. There will be two places to enter the dates in the filters, one for from and one for till. As a result, the dates entered in these boxes will be the range that the search engine will use to locate the movie.
Twitter Search History – Using Standard Twitter History Search
You may check the Twitter history of your account or another user’s account by using Twitter search.
1. Open and use the search box to find this information.
2. Next, enter the string containing your username and the date period you want to examine:
- derived from: username
- date: yyyy-mm-dd
- till: yyyy-mm-dd
3. So, if you want to see all of your tweets from the month you originally joined Twitter, you can change the date ranges in this section to see the specified tweet history.
The earliest tweets can be displayed using this standard Twitter history checking approach.
However, keep in mind that the default display only shows the top tweets, so you must click “All” to see each tweet from a specific time period.
Finally, scroll down to the bottom to see your first tweet!
Examine Twitter History Using the ADVANCED SEARCH FUNCTION
Aside from Twitter search, you can also check your Twitter history by using the platform’s Advanced Search function.
Twitter Search – Steps To Start Viewing Your Twitter History with Advanced Search
1. Navigate to
2. Then, under “People,” put your username in the “From these accounts” field.
3. Next, you must utilize the pop-up calendar tool to separate the start and end dates.
4. Next, choose the “Latest” option to view your Tweet history from a certain period range.
Checking your Twitter history can allow you to recall your first tweet or scan all of your tweets from the first year of use.
Indeed, by browsing the Twitter history, you will be able to notice significant tweets that you might require right now, such as important events or business-related tweets.
Twitter Search – FAQs
Where is my Twitter Search History
Your Twitter search history can be accessed via the dropdown menu that appears when you begin typing into Twitter’s advanced search.
In many circumstances, you’ll be able to get a summary of your most recent Twitter searches.
Twitter Search – How do I search someone’s Tweets?
When you navigate to a user’s profile, those with access will see a search icon in the upper right corner of the page, next to the three-dot menu.
Then, to search the user’s tweets, enter keywords.
How do you search Twitter searches?
Your Twitter search history can be accessed via the dropdown menu that appears when you begin typing into Twitter’s advanced search.
In many circumstances, you’ll be able to get a summary of your most recent Twitter searches.
Twitter Search – On an iPhone, how can you find tweets from a certain person?
If you want to find historical tweets from a certain person, use “from:” followed by the user’s username.
It is no longer necessary to use “@” when searching.
Filter the results by date range, hashtag, keyword, and user mentions.
Can people see your Twitter search?
Nobody can see your Twitter searches.
Fortunately, no one else can see what you search for on Twitter (you may certainly now stalk profiles, Just Kidding).
Nobody else will be able to see your history unless they have access to your device or account credentials.
Twitter Search – How can I find my Twitter account?
To access Twitter, enter your username and password.
If that fails, go to our password request page and input the username, email address, or cell phone number you believe you used.
Then, check all of your email inboxes because we will send password reset instructions to the email address associated with the account.
Twitter Search – Is opening a Twitter account free?
You sign up with a free account and a Twitter handle.
Then you send broadcasts (tweets) on a daily, hourly, or as-needed basis.
Enter 280 or fewer characters in the What’s Happening box next to your profile photograph, then click Tweet.
People who follow you, as well as those who do not, will see your tweet.
Twitter Search – How do I see sensitive content on Twitter app?
Navigate to the Privacy and security settings by clicking the More icon.
Look for the section Content you see and check the box next to it.
Display media with potentially sensitive information.
Conclusion – Twitter Search
Twitter has millions of users, making it a wonderful location to get leads. To locate them, you must first understand how to use advanced search options.
By adding further criteria to Twitter search queries, you can locate specific prospects to target and create connections with.
If you’re using a mobile app, you can do this by conducting manual searches using the usual search tool. If you’re using a browser, make full use of their sophisticated search tool.
Make a personal connection with your potential prospects and stay engaged with them over time.